Access the online shift schedule tool, please click
Sign in to online shift schedule tool to build your own shift schedule then use it forever is very easy to follow up this guidance step by step
- First step: login
To access though “sing in “ at login page, there is “new user registration” link, (figure 1)
Figure 1: sign page
To access the new use registration page (figure 2), input username and passwords and confirm passwords, input email and answer two simple questions which for the future recover the passwords. Then click “Add User”.
Figure 2: to login in
After login, there is blank table is pop on the front of the browser page as per figure 4, at this table will display your user name.
Figure 3 login to show the work table fore the schedule building
- start build you person schedule:
At first select you cycle, team, and country, As per figure 4 , if there is standard schedule at the schedule dropdown box which you just directly select that standard schedule, the standard schedule will automatic to show at you table, just check the start dates to see match your shift schedule. if no standard schedule then you just select “ my schedule” then click “ select”
Use drop down for each sell as per figure 2 to select signal words to represent your shift, for example, select “D” as day shift and select “N” is night shift, just need to build one cycle shift schedule then to copy it to all use the tool “copy T1 to A” then copy to all , you also can use dropdown to select which team you want to copy.
Figure 4 use the dropdown box to select shift represent words
Figure 5 use copy to A to copy then first team to remainder team
Then select how many days you wat to move shift, if you cycle is weekly bias, select 7 is faster way, for example select 7 days shift, then use button left shift team 2, then you can move the team 2 to right position, and so one to shift on the team schedule to right place, to confirm the entire team schedule exact to match your schedule. Especially check the first day of year to match up your cycle start day. After everything is right, then click “select” button which at the first small table to save your schedule. Then log it out, login again use your passwords, you can find your shift schedule now. this schedule will use forever and will automatically update when the years change.
- Use style of color to adjust the schedule table:
Tool has a style and color set up the schedule for different color and different schedule for the adjust the display to schedule and provide maximum variable to adjust which schedule customer want to see.
Figure 6 use style and color to set up personal schedule style
From this style and color set up table, you can select which color you like at personal table, you can hidden everything on the first small schedule only show the years, you can hidden the cycle date, team, country and schedule due to it will not be change after schedule built. You also can select schedule and main table the color for the even month and old month, select how may day you want to display the past notes. There is 34 option for your select.
4: Input your personal notes
Figure 7 to click the cells to pop up message input table for message input
Click individually date cell, the small table will set pop up to show the notes input table which in this table will show the dates, notes, this day the table will highlight it to the different color, and which color you want to select, and which time you want to use can in the drop down, the hours, does this time is standard time or over time, does you want to email to you or jest text it to you, how may days will be used to text to you and, does the shift is mutual with another’s. Last thing is click” save” button to save you input, if you want to delete it with just click the selected dated and to empty the notes column then click “ save”/delete” button.
There is another way to input personal notes which at the main manual to click “ your note”
Figure 8 personal event input table
From this page, you can input all your personal events which it will display at the schedule table.
Then click saving and delete button to saving the notes when you complete the input.
- Set up text message
Under main page click” update” then pop up page: then from this page to input you email and phone number etc to update your phone number:
Figure 9 personal information update
Then click “phone C” under “input” tab which it will show when your login , which tool set up personal text message .
Figure 9 the cell phone set up for text message
Follow the instruction, at first go to online to find out you mobile phone company information and input to the table then click “save” , after phone set up, the you can test try set up a notes and test the message will send to you with your personal notes input..
All you phone and message are decoded by the software in the several database, no one will understand it your personal notes, in worse cause, the hacker try to access the database server, the server company provide very strong fire wall to prevent any hacker access, very safe for your information
- Input the country holidays
you also can input your county holiday from the input of the holiday input, the input national holiday which now is display as red color, every year is different, you can just simply change years then it will automatically pop-up last year holiday input, you just need change several days if you think it is different with last year, after you did input, in the same country, another people don’t need input it again which the same country is same holiday.
Figure 10 holiday input table
- saving you schedule to standard schedule
you also can save your personally schedule to company schedule, then another people another work with the same schedule name, don’t need to input the schedule any more, this new schedule will display under that schedule, then you just friendly to notice your team number, the login use same schedule then it can be used for the shift mutual.
- change schedule
If there is any schedule change, for example change team and change the company, you only need to do the same before you build, you another information will not need to be change, and the phone number don’t need to change.
- input team number:
Figure 11 team number input table
Tool also provide a function to input the team number which the information is also very safety saved and decoded, this will provide very good information to save you memory.
- Final words:
On line shift schedule tool i( s very convenience to use, you can use your mobile phone to check it any time, it is very convenience only need is one time input then not need to change any time in the future, if you not change company and change team it will automatic change, it is very easy to use for schedule the vacation, the personal notes will send you text notes depends you selection time .