After 20 weeks of part-time driving Uber, I took the weekly income from Uber APP, then do calculation try to find the uber driver net income
1 Gross income
Gross income means directly paid from Uber App, which includes everything drivers need to spend for the expense, for example, gas, car maintenance, insurance, car degradation, etc.
The below table 1 is I take from the Uber APP week by week from the first drive of August to the end of December, the total number of weeks is 20 weeks, then use the number to do calculation to understand the performance of the uber driver..
Take 1 is the gross income table
Weeks | Gross Income | online time(hours) | trip | points | tips | hour earning ($/hours) |
1 | $358.63 | 19 | 31 | 35 | $20.60 | $18.88 |
2 | $1,247.29 | 57.5 | 110 | 124 | $110.28 | $21.69 |
3 | $1,469.46 | 58.5 | 113 | 125 | $166.07 | $25.12 |
4 | $797.02 | 29 | 58 | 72 | $48.05 | $27.48 |
5 | $2,004.28 | 92.2 | 176 | 212 | $156.31 | $21.74 |
6 | $1,873.64 | 80.3 | 156 | 184 | $160.25 | $23.33 |
7 | $1,706.84 | 74.8 | 137 | 163 | $140.57 | $22.82 |
8 | $664.77 | 28.3 | 54 | 62 | $76.59 | $23.49 |
9 | $671.23 | 36.8 | 61 | 77 | $49.71 | $18.24 |
10 | $1,038.63 | 52 | 83 | 109 | $72.37 | $19.97 |
11 | $1,319.27 | 64 | 98 | 106 | $79.99 | $20.61 |
12 | $1,483.77 | 87.4 | 120 | 140 | $109.31 | $16.98 |
13 | $1,857.47 | 92.8 | 148 | 184 | $148.34 | $20.02 |
14 | $124.60 | 5 | 8 | 8 | $14.96 | $24.92 |
15 | $856.30 | 39.3 | 59 | 75 | $63.60 | $21.79 |
16 | $1,283.39 | 69 | 109 | 125 | $82.30 | $18.60 |
17 | $1,334.90 | 64.2 | 113 | 133 | $91.42 | $20.79 |
18 | $1,131.56 | 50.8 | 99 | 127 | $79.72 | $22.27 |
19 | $425.19 | 15.3 | 36 | 46 | $51.19 | $27.79 |
20 | $603.72 | 27.3 | 49 | 65 | $46.32 | $22.11 |
Total | $22,251.96 | 1043.5 | 1818 | 2172 | 1,767.95 | $21.32 |
Online hours gross earning
This is an important factor to describe the Uber driver’s performance, which is directly demonstrated the Uber driver’s performance.
From the bottom row of the total in the table which is showing the gross early per online hours is $21.32 /hours, the highest weeks is $27.79/hours If Uber driver can keep the car continuously operating, and each trip can connect together, which means if drop the rider, immediately drive to another place and no stop to wait, then the distance is very short to next raider, the Maximo gross early can reach $27 per hours, this situation is only will happen in the Friday afternoon to middle night or Saturday to middle night, most time Uber driver need wait 10 to 30 minutes to get next raider, the lowest week the gross income per online hours is $16.98/hours
Average earning per trip
The total trip for 20 weeks is 1818 and the total early is $22251.96, so the average earning is $12.24/trip, this index is a demonstration of the average distance of the Uber driver per trip.
Average points earnings per trip
The total points earned is 2172, so the points per trip are 1.2, this index is a demonstration the peak hours driver time
The percentage of tips
The percentage of tips is 7.9% per gross income
The average tips per trip
The average tip per trip is $0.97, this is a demonstration the rider pays tips per tip is an average index.
2. expense
Table 2 is the expense lists from 20 weeks of driving and also includes the preparation for the Uber qualification expensive
Table 2 is the expense table
Item | expense | |
car degradation | $4,000.00 | |
gas | $3,652.25 | |
car maintenance | $2,125.00 | |
oil change | $700.00 | |
insurance | $1,000.00 | |
speed tickets | $800.00 | |
documents prepare | $544.00 | |
car wash | $500.00 | |
cell phone | $800.00 | |
total expense | $14,121.25 | |
Car degradation,
before I put my luxury 2016 Tuson in Uber operation the millage is 60,000kilometers, and it is worth $20,000, but after I drive 35,000kilometer reach 95,000 kilometers, the car was only valued at $16,000, the gas value decrease $4000
Gas used by car
To test how much gases will be used, I did several time tests, before going to trip full the tank, after each trip was completed, I did fill the tank again, then use the online hours to divide the gas consumption, the average is $3.5/hours, the total gas burned is $3,650
Us the total income from app dived the online time which is the gross income, then next day to fill the tank, use the cost for the tank to divide the total income, is you gas cost, for example, you have 300 dollars for the gross income, fill the tank cost you 50, then divide the 15, get 3.5, then net income for the $16.5, which does not include the maintenance, insure cost,car degradation, which the income net will be less than $15/hours
car maintenance
which includes 1 set of all-season tire ($800), 1 set of the winter tire (910), 1-time tire alignment, 1-time car tow, 1-time tire repair
Oil change
Different car manufacture request the oil change interval is different for hundyai Tucson, the manufacture requests to change oil and oil filter every 6000 kilometer distance, for 35000 kilometers, they request almost 6 times to change the oil
Insurance is fix paid to the insurance company
Speed tickets
In the 35000 kilometers drive, due to not being familiar with the road and don’t the hiding camera location, and also plus the rider some time try to catch their time to request to driver faster than normal speed to receive the tickets from the mail, not to be caught by police
Car wash
Almost every week need to do car wash and daily need to vacuum the inside of the car and sanitize the car
Cell phone charge
Includes new apple phone and internet cost
3 Net Income
After the total gross income to minus the total expense, the results is $8130.71
Then divide the total online hours 1043.3 hours
The net online hour’s income is 7.8/hours
Then take the tax out the really net income for the driver is $6. hours/hour which still does not take out the food and office expense, after taking the food and the office expense, the real net income will be around $5/hours
4 conclusion and discussion
The net income is below $5/hors to cause the Uber driver is world lowest pay job $5/hours, which is far below the minimum paid from regulation
Due to low income, the full-time driver must drive a very long time per day to maintain the lowest level of life, which some drivers need to drive up 14 to 16 hours per day and per 7 days a week
5. Does Uber take 25% service is reasonable
uber drivers get remainder 75% of the trip, this will include the driver time, gas, car maintenance, car insurance, car degradation, etc.
DO you think Uber takes too much service fee from the rider?
Reference Documents
Reference documents 2