Based our operation schedule, you can see the schedule at home page, we have 5-week cycle, three weeks working and 1 week off, 1-week training, in the end of year, we only permit to carry 40 hours vacation, so operator must use the vacation as much as possible in you training hours which only permit to use 4 shifts as OT for consumption vacation hours.
After I have two-week vacation, I prepare to built my own blog, how can do I with my first-time built blog? at first I went to google to use blog, comments to search the relative published regards the process to build blog and comments system to save to the folder, approximately 20 website was saved on the folder then there is demo on YouTube, but it is hard to understand.
Most important preparation step is need to download HTML,CCS, PHP, JavaScript and SQL online free book review, install XAMPP for offline practice, there is book which name is HTML,XHTML & CCS all-in-one dummies to help the beginner, some time to read Java or C++ book will help to understand the idea how do OOP, but I am not realy understand in that time I spend almost two month for review Java. do as much as practice, notepad++ is my coding tool.
After I reviewed the all-in-one dummies then I took another month to review Javascipt, the book name is foundation game design with HTML5 and JavaScript book, this is very good one, I go though two times, but not have enough follow codes for practice. this process happen at my time off scedule and last almost half years after I completed my first class power engineer exam.
I applied my domin name which is pay $9.9 at freehostia and pay $60 for the Lovebeat plan, then I start to make our online operation schedule, this schedule is basic on 5 weeks cycle which can be saw at front page, the schedule take me almost over two month free time and which includes 1200 line codes combine JavaScript and HTML, and not use so much PHP and SQL.
Operation schedule is including over 40 years schedule and combined holiday in the schedule, people can easy to select his team and hidden another teams, new years comes the schedule will automatic swap to new years, correct day will be color highlight it, the schedule can be very easy to extend if you want, set up function for holiday calculation is most hard part. I will publish another blog to introduce more detail for the online operation schedule.
Ok, I found the David Carr have a very good publish on his blog to introduce how to build a blog, there is demo version of codes can be download, the lot of modification should be done before it can be deployed in your blog, another blog is from Phil Leggetter to introduce how to build really time commenting system, it is working when people type the comments on it, but can’t saving the comment when reopen browser.
The first step is built the table on you SQL, three table I build is, login, comments for blog and blog post, for the blog comments, the column includes ID,postID, author, comments, email, comments date, reply, reply date, display. If display is set up no, then comments will not display. For the blog members, the column is: user name, member ID, user passwords, use email. Post table includes: postID, post title, post content, post contents, post Date, post category, display.
After the table build at local host, then start to build the login page, if new user, then he can access the new use login page, new user need to put passwords and email correctly then back to login page for login, the passwords will be hashed to 60 characters starts with $2y$10……, so 255 length at the table is necessary after login, the session will remember his name and email, if he want to input comments, then don’t need to input passwords and email, just input his comments, which will save time, second login type is administrator login, after administrator login , administrator can access the post blog, delete, update log. The blog is permit to input comments with out login, the name and email input is requested.
When the comments input, the comments system will generate a email to send to the blog post person, one of my friends is interesting to publish his blog to my site, it is really interesting to do this, so I build a blogger system to allow my friends to publish the blog on site, after his login, he only need to tell me his login name, then administrator will add his name on blogger lists, then he login again, the blog post page will show under his login, it is requests up upload three personal picture to the blog which will show on different location, and answer several personal question to tell the reader, then he can go to the post page to post his first blog on this page. There is demo blogger user set up on this site which name and passwords is same is book, you can try.
At the blogger editor page there is admin index tool, after access this page, it can show the blog lists, name, postID and edit, delete, disable and enable, disable and enable is very good tool, if you don’t want to show one of post, just disable it, but it is save on sever, when it is ready to show it, just simple to enable it, it will show on you blog, of course you can delete it. There is edit function to help the blogger to modify his blog
Due to the blogger and administrator has difference privilege, so the user class need accordingly to fit this purpose to add the blogger login, in the meaning time to set passwords reset function, the people login then the email will set out, and also requests to provide two questions to support to recover the passwords, if the passwords lost, he can reset passwords to simple to answer two of the security questions, email and user name, one of user name and email and one of the security questions is correct, there is a email will send out to tell him the temporary passwords, then he can use this temporary passwords to reset the passwords.
Due to every step need to learn by myself, so the google search is the best teacher for me, for example I take almost two days to set up a blogger lists to which build a array on the sever and which can be add and delete the name lists, also design a blog comments and reply system with email on it. Modify the David Carr to give a great support to move forward, but there are large modification requests to fit up you purpose, compare with people build the blog on the facebook or another website, build your own blog has really challenge thing to familiar the PHP and SQL, HTML and CCS, but sometime I really hate CCS to adjust the appearance for the blog system, always to put it on last step. There are lot of function of the PHP will help to simplify the codes, and test it and also keep spare version on difference location is important thing